Perhaps, I thought, it was time to introduce an original slice to the Vertebrate Journal. An area where the team behind the articles can express individual ideas rather than dialogue regarding the next editorial or anything related to any future project—that would be a singular section, namely ‘in development’. We have yet to add a methodical timeline to the labor allotted to the journal and so I thought it fitting that the first article attached to this section be about the history of the journal and my primary role in its founding.
As all ideas normally occur in the mind, this one in particular, would come and go. What occurred to me as a simple idea, a miniscule project of modest consideration, the Vertebrate Journal has inescapably turned out to be one of the most significant components of my vocation. I take great pride in the work I do for the online journal and I often desire that my involvement would be more evident throughout the transitory years ahead. Though I am not considered an author, I am accountable for the design, maintenance, coding, security, and server operation of the website. Though I must admit, the website didn’t always look this way.
Luis Cendan, a personal friend and colleague, a writer of sorts, and one to certainly take pleasure in the rigors of learning is primarily responsible for the writing, categorizing, as well as the photographical aspects involved in the research and development of articles. Were it not for his involvement, there would no articles of any kind attached to the journal. His criticism of my design as allowed me to consistently innovate and prolong my search for fresh design as to fit the description of our work. Everything the journal is—remains mainly the conjecture of two individuals.
During my freshmen year of college, the journal started an effortless CSS, cascading style sheet, computer file loaded onto a content system manager in a public server system. Today, the site has evolved into a phenomenal work of art running on a private Linux server based in Chicago IL on one of the finest Intel processors available. I don’t mean to brag but the shift is quite the progress.
Image property of WordPress and
More often than so I attempt to find the time as to continue the investment into the expectations of this project. I cannot begin to describe the plans I and Luis have in mind towards the features of our most up-to-date design. Regrettably, I have less and less time to devote to our work as I am no longer attending college but rather serving onboard the fleet of the mighty U.S. Navy. Even so, here among the nation’s finest, I continue in my support of the Vertebrate Journal. I unable to make the site my top priority nevertheless, I never waver to provide the necessary help to keep the site in its pristine condition.
In case you’re wondering, my military endeavor is everything beyond the habitual life I am normally used to as a college student. Every morning we rise at 4:30AM. Between 5AM and TAPS, we study, we train physically, we stand watch, and perform our duties accordingly with military instruction. We move systematically and work in standards preordered to our uniforms and regulations. To be a sailor in the US Navy is to become a new personality. I now represent an entity much greater than I. I am to uphold the standards of the world’s finest fleet at all times. Whether in sight or hidden from eyes, my integrity is to remain firm and steadfast—regardless of the circumstances.
Image property of the U.S. Navy,
Apart from my military engagements, I am also enrolled in American Military University for their philosophy and ethics programs—an education that will play a pivotal role in the future articles for our site.