The naked mole rat is a strange little creature in nearly every way. Living its entire life in total darkness, this unusual rodent makes its home in underground tunnels below
Oddities in Nature: The Platypus
There is no shortage of unusual observations in the world of animals, with many diverse species employing unique and unexpected traits and behaviors in order to survive in their natural
The Fauna of Madagascar: Fossas
The island of Madagascar is well known for its ecosystem of unique and unusual species, making it a destination for many scientists who seek to study the adaptations which creatures
African Wild Dogs: The Savannah’s Elite Hunters
The African savannah teems with a great variety of impressive and fascinating creatures. Among these animals are some of the most recognizable and renowned, such as the mighty elephant and
Might and Mystique: The Amazon’s Elusive Jaguar
Shamans desired to become like it and adopt its strength and speed, turning the humans into fierce hunters. The people of the Amazon saw in its shiny, reflective eyes proof
Blood Sport: The Tragedy of Bullfighting
A large crowd cheers with great excitement as dust flies into the air in a massive arena. As the cloud of dust begins to clear, drops of blood can be
The Vampire Bats: Creatures of Ominous Legend
Commonly associated with Halloween, misfortune, witches, horror movies, and the devil, the infamous vampire bats have been at the center of ominous folklore for centuries. Then again, with their intimidating
The Leopard Seals of the Antarctic
In the frigid Antarctic Ocean, a group of emperor penguins is returning to dry land after a much needed hunt for food. The weather is unforgiving and the waters are
The Fauna of Madagascar: Ring-Tailed Lemurs
Madagascar possesses what is possibly one of the most amazing modern ecosystems known to science. It contains a wide variety of unique and exotic animals, many of which are found
The Panda: Gentle Giant of the Bamboo Forests

Few animals have captured the hearts of people throughout history such as the giant panda. Clumsy and plump in its design while sporting an attractive coloration, the panda is considered
The Ruffian from Down Under: The Tasmanian Devil
It is rather common for cartoons to portray animals in an exaggerated fashion in order to entertain the viewers, yet the cartoon industry’s vicious portrayal of the Tasmanian devil may
The Swine Invasion: The Effects of Feral Hogs on Foreign Ecosystems
Domestic pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus) have long been one of the most important agricultural animals in human history. As one of the most prominent food sources for man, domestic pigs